Day 19 - Learnings from The UX Talk, an AMA session by Alipta Ballav

- Understand the problem and the user before jumping to designing prototypes.

- Get guidance from mentors about how to conduct effective research.

- Impostor syndrome is common. Keep learning and unlearning to deal with it.

- Take breaks to stay motivated.

- Attitude matters more than skills when it comes to getting hired since attitude isn’t something that can be taught.

- Portfolios need to include both the problem and the outcome of the solution.

- You can always be a designer regardless of your personality type - introvert or extrovert.

- In the beginning explore different fields in design (e.g interaction design, visual design, etc.) and then over time focus on one skill and master it.

- Every designer has the potential to add value to the design community.

- User research is a must for UX design. Talking to people always helps in gaining insights.


Day 20 - Design Systems


Day 18 - Making Web Designs more accessible