Day 22 - 10 Usability Heuristics for UI Design

Jacob Neilson’s 10 usability heuristics:

1) Visibility of system status

The system should present appropriate feedback to users based on their interactions.

2) Match between system and real world

The design should use language familiar to the user and follow real-world conventions.

3) User control and freedom

The design should support actions like undo and redo to allow users to leave the unwanted action.

4) Consistency and standards

The design should follow industry conventions and maintain consistency.

5) Error prevention

In addition to providing helpful error messages, the design should prevent the error from occurring in the first place.

6) Recognition rather than recall

The design should make information easy to find so that users do not have to remember information.

7) Flexibility and efficiency of use

The design should provide shortcuts for expert users.

8) Aesthetic and minimalist design

The interface should not present irrelevant information to users.

9) Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors

 Error messages should be presented in plain language to users, indicating the problem and suggesting a way to correct it.

10) Help and documentation

The system should be easy to use without documentation. However, documentation should still be available for users when they need it.



Day 23 - Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation


Day 21 - Spatial Memory in UX Design